Friday, February 27, 2009

Stimulus Shmimulas

Fran Roberts Asked:

So what do you think about the stimulus package?

First let me start out by saying I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, I was listed as independent, but now they show me as non-affiliated. I do hate the way they play with words. I tend to be very central, neutral, maybe even a bit of fence sitter, on most issues. When it comes to economic issues I tend to fall to the right.

I think that the democratic leadership has taken the first steps towards dropping us down a deep spiraling hole. Quite an awesome task considering the hole this country was already in. Don't even get me started on Speaker Pelosi. It is my opinion that the democratically run congress contributed far more to the dyer economic state we are in than the previous president did. But that is a post for another day the question at hand is the "Stimulus Package".
I am not a fan a Big Government and this plan will add more volume & girth to the monster. I believe the less the Government is involved in the better. I do understand, and agree, that something had to be done. Extreme measures needed to be taken, and it still may not help. A Stimulus package was needed but this is not the right one. I disagree with the idea that putting something out there is better than doing nothing. I think the President should have pushed back a bit more, and eliminated some of the crap that was added to this package. I understand there are over 8000 pork barrel items in this thing. Every Senator and Congressman trying to get their little pet project paid for. Most of these items adding nothing of value, and will not contribute to the turn around of this economy. This was not the time or the place to pay for some of these things.

More needed to be done to put people back to work this year. They still have not resolved the housing problem. More attention from this package needed to go to solving those issues. This plan does offer some tax relief, but not nearly enough. The Republicans were right to try to push for more tax breaks. It's been proven over and over again that keeping the money in the hands of the tax payer is the best way to move the economy forward.

I hope I am wrong. I myself am in a position that can be hurt if we do not turn this economy around this year. I will spend a little time getting more informed about the Stimulus Package itself, and Re-Post a more articulate response to this question.

For now, This is What Mack Thinks.


  1. Thanks Steven, that was a very insightful response to my question, I thought. I actually agree with you, although this is much too serious for your blog. You are really funny and that's what we need these days, some really good humor! I think you and Michael should get together and write a script or something! He's pretty funny too! Thanks, again Steve. I love this blog. I'm commenting as anonymous because I don't know what the other stuff means! Aunt Franny

  2. We'll have to have Micheal put some of his writings up on Face book

  3. The subject matter is not too serious. We want to be able to discuss anything here. If I thought about it I'm sure I could come up with a much more humourus spin on the stimulus package.. Micheal is a very funny guy. We would have a great time working together.

  4. Hi Steve, not sure if this is the right forum to discuss such a serious subject. Not sure if this is for political opinion or entertainment or some kind of mix. My opinion is that it amazes me how so many people are so quick to jump on the president for what he has done in a mere 8 weeks trying to unscrew the country that Bush spent 8 years screwing up. I do agree that the stimulus package is inadequate and maybe the presidents decision to push thru a package that was gutted by the republicans because they insisted on tax breaks instead of infrastructure
    projects was ill advised but only time will tell if its the right choice. I do have to disagree with the notion of tax breaks bringing an economy back tho. Roosevelt brought the country back from the depression with government spending. Programs like the WPA,CCC,TVA, and such put people to work. Republican tax breaks have ALWAYS been geared towards the Bill Gates of the world and the Reagan recession of the early 1980s is proof of that. Trickle down economics has never worked, his own VP called it voodoo economics. Obama needs 6 or 8 months b4 we know about his plans even starting to work.

  5. Thanks for the comment. This forum isd open for all kinds of discussions. I agree with you, that we cannot blame President Obama, he inherited this mess. Although I did not vote for him, I do stand behind what he is trying to do, and even feel pretty good about the things he is trying to accomplish. Government spending will help move the economy, if it is managed correctly, and I have not seen too many things run well by the government. Just look at Massachusetts Transportation Department. (A blog for another day.) My real distust is, as I stated above, with the congressional leadership. Without getting into to much detail here, I have issue with Speaker Pelosi and congressman Barney Frank. I will write a post on the reasons why shortly.

    Keep the discussion going!
