What this country, and the world, need is to move away from all the negative thoughts, words, and actions. I know, I know, easier said than done. Every where you look someone is complaining about something. The economy being a major focus lately. I know you can not wish everything good again just by thinking postive thoughts. But we are what we think about. The more we dwell on the bad, the more bad we bring into our lives. When you think positively you begin to act positively, and through those actions good things begin to happen. The more people dwell on the bad, the worse the situation gets. As more people start to think about and act on good things then the better things will get.
My life is getting better every day, and I hope that yours is to.
Time Anxiety and NeuroDiversion: a 2025 Preview
1 month ago
I agree with this completely. I feel that whenever someone wants to think "oh poor me" think of how lucky we all are in our own way. For instance- I was thinking of how sad for me that I need to pay extra money than I originally expected for my lawn- I even went as far as to shed a babyish tear. Then I came to work the next day and took care of a patient born the same year as me. Her room is decorated the same way I would like it- with lots of pics of friends and family. She worked before this, has a life, a fiance- etc. Well- now she will sit in her hospital room just waiting for her chance at a second life. She needs a new heart and will not leave the hospital until she gets one. (and we dare to get annoyed waiting in a line so we can get on with our day) I thought to myself this is a girl very similar to me with similar interests,lifestyle, etc. This could be me. I started to realize that in the whole scheme of things my expensive grass is nothing compared to this. THeres always someone worse off than us. Be happy with what you have- and if you arent - dont blame other people- make a change yourself. I will try to stop being such a baby about the small stuff. -Amy